- Our Materiality
Our Materiality
Our Materiality
We will increase the Group's medium- to long-term shareholder value through business operations by promoting sustainability and ESG management, while strengthening the management foundation that supports our business.
Invested Capital
Financial capital, Manufacturing capital, Social and relational capital, Intellectual capital, Human capital, Natural capital
Environmental (E)
Business Operations Consistent with the Environment
Key Initiatives
- Promoting GHG reduction initiatives
- Develop and supply products with reduced environmental burden (GX)
- Develop and supply products that reduce waste and hazardous substances
Social (S)
Respect for Human Rights and Diversity
Vibrant Work Environment
Integration with Society and Contributing to Regional Development
Key Initiatives
- Ensuring diversity for women, core human resources, etc.
- Initiatives for developing human resource and improving the internal environment
- Supply chain management
- Establishing anticorruption frameworks
Governance (G)
Transparent, Sound, and Fair Corporate Operations
Key Initiatives
- Initiatives to strengthen group governance
- Sustainability initiatives and disclosure
- Promoting DX and strengthening data and cybersecurity